Real Sector / Prices / National / CPI / Total index / Information and communication / Information and communication services

Other information and communication services (s)

Index May 2024
No significant change vs. last month
No significant change vs. same month last year
Index Q1 2024
No significant change vs. last quarter
No significant change vs. same quarter last year
Index 2023
2.4%. vs. last year
Composition chart is not applicable for this series
Composition chart is not applicable for this series
Composition chart is not applicable for this series
Values in Index
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jan 91.00 97.04 87.69 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 94.13 99.77 104.38 109.31 98.90 98.90 98.28 99.15 98.41 101.94 101.94
Feb 91.00 97.04 87.69 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 94.13 99.77 104.38 109.31 98.90 98.90 98.28 98.63 98.29 101.94 101.94
Mar 91.00 97.04 87.69 87.69 91.00 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 94.34 103.87 107.84 109.31 98.90 98.90 98.28 98.53 98.25 101.94 101.94
Apr 91.00 91.00 87.69 87.69 91.00 104.80 91.00 91.00 91.87 94.34 104.38 107.84 109.31 98.90 98.90 98.55 98.77 98.37 101.94 101.94
May 91.00 91.00 87.69 87.69 91.00 104.80 91.00 91.00 91.87 94.37 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.87 98.90 99.04 98.82 100.27 101.94 101.94
Jun 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 91.00 104.80 91.00 91.00 91.87 94.37 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.87 98.90 99.27 98.76 100.29 101.94
Jul 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.37 91.87 99.30 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.90 98.90 99.51 100.40 100.33 101.94
Aug 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.37 92.38 99.30 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.90 98.90 99.21 98.80 100.33 101.94
Sep 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.37 92.56 99.30 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.90 97.80 97.71 98.95 99.84 101.94
Oct 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.37 92.17 99.30 104.38 107.84 98.87 98.90 98.44 98.46 99.24 99.96 101.94
Nov 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 93.30 99.30 104.38 107.84 98.87 98.90 98.75 98.14 98.99 100.00 101.94
Dec 91.00 91.00 87.93 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 93.30 99.77 104.38 107.84 98.90 98.90 98.07 99.15 98.71 100.26 101.94
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Q1 91.00 97.04 87.69 87.69 88.80 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.87 94.20 101.13 105.53 109.31 98.90 98.90 98.28 98.77 98.31 101.94 101.94
Q2 91.00 91.06 87.69 87.69 91.00 104.80 91.00 91.00 91.87 94.36 104.38 107.84 103.81 98.88 98.90 98.95 98.78 99.64 101.94
Q3 91.00 91.00 91.19 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.37 92.27 99.30 104.38 107.84 101.05 98.90 98.53 98.81 99.38 100.17 101.94
Q4 91.00 91.00 90.11 87.69 87.69 104.80 104.80 91.00 91.71 92.93 99.45 104.38 107.84 98.88 98.90 98.42 98.58 98.98 100.07 101.94
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
91.00 92.35 87.69 87.69 97.35 104.80 94.45 91.27 92.24 96.83 103.57 107.26 103.26 98.90 98.69 98.66 98.98 99.55 101.94
ID 481
Range Jun 2004 - May 2024
Frequency Monthly
Maldives Bureau of Statistics
Base Period November 2022
Base Weight
© 2024 Maldives Monetary Authority