Tourist arrivals
In December 2024, total tourist arrivals stood at 208,980, registering an increase of 7.3% compared with the same period of last year. During the month, the highest number of tourist arrivals were recorded from Italy, followed by United Kingdom and Russia.
The rate of inflation (annual percentage change in the national CPI) accelerated to 5.3% in January 2025, from 4.8% in December 2024. The largest contribution to the annual rate of inflation during the month came from Tobacco (1.78 percentage points); Restaurants, cafés and the like (1.77 percentage points); and Fish (0.63 percentage points).
Fish exports
The volume of fish exports increased by 27.6% in January 2025 compared with the same period of last year. This was mainly driven by the increase in the export of Fresh, chilled or frozen Skipjack tuna by 93.9% (2,079.1 metric tonnes).
Real GDP growth
Real GDP is projected to grow by 6.4% in 2025, followed by an estimated growth of 5.5% in 2024.